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CTE Programs

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LaBelle High School offers students the opportunity to participate in Career & Technical Education Academies.  Career academies are small, personalized learning communities within a high school that select a subset of students and teachers for a two, three, or four year span. Students enter the academy through a voluntary process; they must apply and be accepted with parental knowledge and support.

By design, these three central elements of a career academy lead to a school that is rigorous, relevant, and relational.

Students who participate in a Career Academy and complete the required courses will be given specific opportunities:

·    Complete on-the-job internship programs

·    Take an industry acknowledged certification test

·    Transfer high school credits into a post-secondary program (colleges, universities, or technical schools)

LaBelle High School currently offers the first certified CTE academy in Hendry County, The Allied Health Academy.  Program completers “students” will take the CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), the CMAA (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant) exam and/or the State Certified First Responder exam.  CTE academies at LHS are Building Trades and Construction, Web Design, and Agriscience. 

Career & Technical Education Program Completers

Agriculture, business, construction technology, and health occupations programs will prepare the student for employment in that area or for further post-secondary training.  The Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship requires a 3.0 weighted GPA and a 3.5 unweighted GPA in a minimum of three Career and Technical Education credits in one vocational program. 

·        Read more about Career Academies courtesy of

LaBelle High School offers programs in the following areas of study:


Criminal Justice

Construction Technology

Emergency Medical Responder

Fire Academy

Health Science

Information Technology and Digital Design

The District’s career and technical programs are open to all eligible high school students in the district and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and educational opportunity.  No person shall be discriminated against or harassed in any education program, services or activities, or employment conditions or practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding discrimination or harassment may be sent to:

Jennie Goff, Director of Workforce Development
